Waiting a vision on 3 New Year..
Written on 7:32 PM by Riza
2 new year??? yep..2 new year..or 3 new year. What kind of new year?. Well as a moslem on 26 Dec 2008 after one day Christmas most of all moslem in the world celebrate a new year 1 Muharram 1430 H. Then a new year a new gregrorian year 1 January 2009 which all people in the world celebrated. And the last was China new Year in January.
Now I'm not talking about what I'm gonna do in this 3 new year. I would like to share about future vision. Yes a vision.
Most of spiritual people can see the future. I call they have a future vision. In my humble opinion most of my friend in Republik Guyub Rukun can see the future. But for accuracy about what will be happen , like the exact place, name or something.. I doubt it.
Some people have a different way to see the future. It can be using Tarot, pendulum or only by meditation. If they are a have a good vision means that the spiritual category was high. In this era ..hmmm I can said for example Master Suma cing Hai, Sai Baba or Indonesian vision : Mama Loren.
They can see the future..maybe this time they have al ready now about whats going on in the year 2009. And maybe only small info they wanna share with all people and keep the rest only for themself.
For me...I don't have any vision. Even if I can do that. Just knowing and keep it for my self...feeling something about the future so frightening.
I hope in the new year 2009, all the people still live in peace, to get welfare. No violence, war or all the damage life on earth.
Note : 1 Muharram 1430 H should be in 29 December 2008, instead 26 December 2008

AFAIK; the 1 Muharram 1430 due on Dec 29, 2008 instead of Dec 26.